Ribbon blade with serrated teeth

Ribbon blade with serrated teeth

Category: Ribbon blade and accessories - Wide ribbon blade for cutting logs

Sawing is the operation of alternating bending of the teeth in order to create the cutting area of the blade depending on the wood essence to be cut. The ribbon blades produced by our company are of the best quality, they are made of Swedish uddeholmstrip steel and are always prepared according to the user's specifications. If some characteristics (length, width, thickness) are easy to determine, according to the specifications of the band saw, the others (pitch and profile of the tooth, dimensions of the stellite/tooth, the angles of placement and clearance respectively) depend on a multitude of variable factors, among which we list: the performances of the sharpening machine of the user, the species of wood to be cut, the season in which the blades are to be used. That is why, when establishing these characteristics, in order to obtain the optimal product for the user, our company makes available to its customers, through sales representatives, the entire baggage of knowledge and experience. Below you can consult the table with the most common types and dimensions of steel intended for manufacturing ribbon blades, as well as some of the most common tooth profiles.

Tabel 1 - dimensiuniTabel 2 - profile