Tensioning is the operation whereby the band saw blade is elongated in the central area so that when it copies the profile of the flywheel when it covers it.
Tensioning is the operation whereby the band saw blade is elongated in the central area so that when it copies the profile of the flywheel when it covers it. This prevents deviation during cutting, avoiding that the blade should be while the log is being processed.
The tensioning grade depends on the Band Saw specifications, is determined using the lighted slit method and is expressed by the size of the gap between the blade and ruler, measured when the blade is bended to the same radius as flywheel. The tensioning operation will achieve at the same time the band blade back linearity. Band Saw blades produced by Evoluzione SRL are tensioned by automatic machines.
Other services:
To obtain a new band saw blade, a toothed steel roll is cut to the desired length, its edges are aligned so that the tooth pitch is the same in the welding area and then welding is performed.
Blade setting
This is the operation whereby the tips of the teeth are bent respecting an algorithm, in order to obtain cutting surfaces if stellite tipping is not desired or not possible.
Technical support, transportation
To be in direct contact with the end users, our sales representatives are constantly travelling to their premises, following directly the debiting activity and in-house tools maintenance.
Requests that deform the body appear during processing, resulting mainly in nonlinear cutting.
Stellite tipping
Stellite tipping is performed by applying a stellite tip on the teeth, an alloy with special properties, the main one being high wear resistance
Circular blades, mills, knives, router cutter
Our www.frezalemn.ro wood processing tools repairing and maintenance workshops we offer our customers the following services
Sharpening seeks to restore the blunt ends of the teeth and remove micro-cracks at the base of the teeth.
Guide for band saw blades exploitation
Band Saw blades are shaped strips with toothed edges. Band Saw blade dimensions and production characteristics depend on sawmill.